Friday, April 2, 2010

today was a fairy tale,
because i saw him (;
the gorgeous, beautiful creature of god creation,
was there.
once in awhile,
he would glance at me,
idk why, to see if i ws giggling or being giddy,
or i ws frowning,
i know, just know, tht nothing in this world is perfectly perfect,
well, hes hs lots of scandals,
and i like him,
no, this is more than like,
nor its love,
its a feeling of having someone to notice you sometimes,
or maybe the feeling of relief when you know he'll be there fr u and only u,
but the part where he'll notice you and be there fr u and only u is  merely impossible
its just my imagination, i guess :(


after recess, i went to farah's class,
we were talking about him and then iyad came and said i cn trust him,
so i kept on talking like he knows everything,
and then i said something and iyad said,
" dia suka azmina, dia suka azmina"
and farah agreed when he said this,

well this is unacceptable,
its apparently very obvious tht he doesnt like me at all,
yes, AT ALL !
he falls for hotties,
and just hotties,
urgh, im nt even near to being pretty,
this is getting out of control,
really, i think of jang geun-seuk because i DO NOT want to think about him,
and when my mind is not occupied with jang geun-seuk,
his face will be the frst to come to mind,
shit shit shit,
this shouldnt be happening,
and his brother,
urghh, his brother HATES ME !
freaking hate me !
idc, its just tht its soooo obvious tht we are never meant fr each other,
the end,


haihz, ouh when  i ws in the car,
as usual, uncle samsul picked me up,
and rahman is there,
like everyother day,
and then they were talking about dress-code and ties and vests,
and PDI, i KNOW! guys discussing about where to shop,very rare :D
then i laughed over something when uncle samsul said he gt 14/30 fr the multimedia test,
haha, he ws teasing me, with, "ouuh, gelak eyh"

ouh and now i am soooooooooo happy, because it IS raining !
and obviously im sooo nt gonna go fr bola jaring,
im tired tired tired (;
heee, i have mod math tuition tonight,
and i think im gonna go have lunch,
and pray tht today will be a fairy tale (:

fin yawww;