Sunday, May 16, 2010

have you ?

can't stop myself from loving you, can i ?
sheesh, when will this end ?
i know, i know,
u love someone else,
someone better than me, obviously,
someone who you deserve,
HAHA,  NOW im being all weepy and sad,
oh stop this stop this !
i'm not emo (;
have you ever thought of liking me AGAIN ?
for who i am,
and for what i did, i don't think so,
ahhh, think again, ok ?

eheem, its midterm,
badabingboom, what a surprise,
now i have books stuck in front of my nose all day and night long,
and oh, i don't get enough sleep lately,
not that i dont extend my sleep for another 3 or 4 hours after what i call, my beauty sleep is over,
it's just that the schedule is set upside down now,
fuuh, i think i need some drug to knock me down to sleep,
ok scratch that, 
i need someone to wake me up, 
so that i don't sleep for 14 hours long (;
haha, ok, wish me luck alright ?
may i score the best subject ;p
kidding, haaaahaaa, 

love you :)