Saturday, August 14, 2010


ouh a friend taught me of that word (:
he used that word when i say something that doesnt make sense,
especially when i start talking crap,
hehh, yeah, okayh,
btw, omigosh, went for the eco rangers AGM,
sheesh, it was a tiring one,
ahaa, we had treasure hunt,
and thanks to daryl ng, we lost.
haha, we asked him was that "home at last"
and he said no,
well yeah, like any of you would understand this :D
so, the conclusion is that it was all HIS fault :p
and thanks to my pms,
id done so many great sins since last week.
hmm, a great gratitude to my tears and the attitude of stomping my feet,
ive lost my sense of balance in life,
and ouh not to forget my lovely sibs who made me erupt like a volcano,
yeah, thanks for everything,
ermm, what else ?
yeaaaah ! last but not least, to whom i shall not mention his name here,
thanks a lot, for making me fall for you,
and then you back off,

you complete my life !