Sunday, November 28, 2010

you are the unsolved riddle

i am totally sick of being like this,
really, what did i do wrong in the past life that my life now is ridiculuosly upside down,
ouh yeah, that's not something i should believe in,
but hey, it's sort of a metaphore :p
and yeah, the first person i think of when i wake up is you
and yeah, the last person i think of before i go to sleep is you,
so how is this gonna solve anything ?
i don't even know you are at the other side of the world,
okayh i should be all " who the hell cares if you're alive or dead"
but, GOSH, this is absolutely killing me !
i am completely out of my mind, i wish i could hold on to that last sanity and talked myself into believing that you've changed, so is the world,
but dayum all those hopes you gave me,
so now i can only hope, and i know that my chance is slim,
but i really think that you should give love thousand of chances if it really is there (:
saranghae MR. anonymous/unknown
